Specialized Epic 8 Demo & Group Rides
Test out the new Specialized Epic 8 for free! Join Basalt Bikes, Cripple Creek, and Specialized for a weekend of riding. We will have four different group rides throughout the weekend where you can test out the brand-new Epic 8 and meet fellow cyclists. All abilities, from complete beginner to expert, are welcome, so whether you've never been on a mountain bike or are a seasoned veteran, don't miss out.
Saturday in Carbondale
May 11 – AM Ride (Carbondale), Beginner Level, Prince Creek
May 11 – PM Ride (Carbondale), Advanced Technical, Red Hill
Sunday in Willits
May 12 – AM Ride (Basalt), Beginner Level, Prince Creek
May 12 – PM Ride (Basalt), Intermediate Level, Prince Creek